Choosing cushion fabric to make cushions can be the same or different from buying sewing fabric for clothes or curtain fabrics.
Good quality fabrics work best in soft furnishings for its durability. Most fabrics used for this purpose will have a higher thread count than those used in dressmaking. As the tighter the weave the stronger the fabric.
The choice is really dependant on where the cushion will be used. The more delicate the fabric is the easier it will be damaged through normal use. These fabrics will probably be best as scatter cushions on a bed.
Animal cushions to use for their beds on the other hand will need very durable hardwearing washable fabrics.
Curtains are bought in set widths and lengths and any I have bought for my windows are either just too short or miles too long. These can be altered and then matching cushions can be made from the left over fabric.
Similarly if you have made a garment from a medium weight fabric and have some left over then again cushions can be made from the excess fabric.
There is a lot of choice of cushion fabric from Amazon for you to make your lovely cushions.
These are the classification of fabric weight but they all have blurred lines as well. Lightweight cotton fabric at one end will differ greatly when it is getting nearer the medium weight spectrum and even more so when approaching the heavy weight end.
This can be determined by how much either one square metre or one square yard weighs.
The same fabric content can be all three of the weights like cotton, the thickness of the fibres determines the fabric weight
These will be the the light floaty fabrics such as
These are popular fabrics and can be made into a lot of items. Fabrics at this weight are
There is no mistaking these fabrics as they feel heavy. Fabrics in this weight are
Generally the heavier weight fabrics tend to be on the cushions used on the bases of chairs and settees as in upholstery.
When making cushions a medium weight plain weave or a firm knit fabric is easier to sew.
Lightweight fabrics can be used for cushions but they may need a lining fabric to make them feel heavier and for strength.
There are lots of lovely cushions in many kinds of fabrics to choose from.
Enjoy buying yours.
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Please contact me . Thank you
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