Shake off the winter blues with some Spring Cushions.
Cushions Galore, March 2012 -- Spring Cushions
March 1st 2012
Hello and welcome to new subscribers in March.
Happy St Davids Day
Spring is almost here !! What a great time to shake off the winter feeling. The days are getting longer and new plants and animal begin to appear.
It is time to take a look at your surroundings to decide on getting new things or cleaning those you have already.
Spring is a good time to think about cleaning the cushion covers, pads and pillows in your home.
These should ideally be washed every six months and after the long dark days of winter what could be better.
This is a time to think about making new cushion covers for your chairs or settee. If your colour scheme allows then up to date colours could be introduced.
Bring the garden inside with come cushions showing leaf or flower designs. As the weather in spring can be changeable, sitting outdoors may not be possible and these would look good in a sunny room or the conservatory giving you a taste of what was to come.
Previously I have said that with sewing you need to prepare for what you may need in the months ahead. Think what the next few months have in store for you, do you need to make some bunting for a celebration.
New pages this month
I have expanded the patchwork page to show how to sew the Ohio star patchwork and the Log Cabin patchwork blocks.
These are really pretty blocks and can be made into cushion covers or quilts if repeating blocks are used.
Coming up next time
Next month I hope to have done another page of a different patchwork design and a seasonal page about Easter.
Enjoy making your cushions.
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